I’ve always been curious about Cloudflare and CDN. It’s a service where they act as a middleman between the visitor and the web server. Both for protection if someone tries for example a Denial-of-service_attack, and also as a cache so the pages can load faster and less load on my webserver. Not that I’m expecting a large volume of visitors 🙂
Anyhow, I should have activated this a couple of weeks ago so everything would have been set up and any troubleshooting didn’t have to happen during my packing. Well, I delayed it too much, and today I did the necessary changes in Loopias DNS configuration (pointing out Cloudflares Nameservers) and I’m now waiting for everything to propagate across the DNS system. Hopefully, the site will still be available 🙂
If you experience any issues with the site, please give me a nudge so I can try and fix it!