A rather uneventful flight back to Copenhagen, few of us got minutes to hours of sleep. Passport control had no queue but the luggage took some time.
Goodbyes were said, hugs were given and everyone left for the trains except me and Mattias who had one flight left to Arlanda, and Anna and John whose train didn’t leave for a couple of hours. As we started the journey by hanging at Burger King, it seemed only fitting to end it here as well. Some food (maybe call it brunch) and the card game Exploding Kittens. After a while me and Mattias headed into the terminal and the SAS Lounge for some free (well, be bought a ticket that gives access) food and drinks and to wait out the last couple of hours before departure.
We boarded, Mattias fell asleep right away, and the plane took off about half an hour late. Another uneventful flight, wait for luggage and then we split our ways. Got into a taxi and at 14:15 I entered my apartment and was greeted by my lovely Rincewind and Susan. Home sweet home.