I checked out from the hotel around quarter to nine to get an Über to the Sixt office where I picked up a car, a BMW X3. After extensive filming of the car’s exterior and interior, and setting up the holder for the phone, power cable, Bluetooth, the seat, and whatnot, I started to leave the parking structure. Then I couldn’t find the parking ticket I got with the keys so I had to back up a couple of levels and yes, there it was on the floor behind where the car had stood. Not the best start.
Time for another try to leave Miami and this time it went better, until the first decision on the highway. I misunderstood the instructions from Google Maps and misread the traffic signs so I missed the exit and took a detour. Thank god for GPS and not printed instructions.
After about half an hour I realized that the tank was only 1/4 full. I panicked cause I assumed it should have been full and I didn’t wanna pay for a tank of gas I didn’t use. Parked at a gas station and called Sixt who informed me that according to their records it was 2/8 full, and that’s what I should leave it with upon returning it. Crisis averted.
Back on the road and as soon as I left Miami the traffic calmed down and the decisions became easier. Just put on cruise control (missing my adaptive cruise control) and listen to podcasts. Made a couple of stops, one at a familiar location 🙂
Overall an uneventful trip for about 5 hours. Arrived at Treasure Bay Resort & Marina and found out parking was included, yay! Might have been one reason why I chose this place a couple of months ago. I have my moments when it comes to planning. Dropped off my bags in the room and then went to Britt’s Pizza to get a quick bite, I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and the time for leaving for the stadium was closing fast.
Drove off to Tropicana Field for the game between Tampa Bay Rays who hosted the Toronto Blue Jays. Had bought a parking ticket in advance so I just drove right in after I got my ticket scanned. More crowded than the game in Miami, with roughly 75% of the lower sections. The upper sections weren’t open. Got lucky this time and sat in front of a father and son who had a long-time goal to see a game at each of the MLB stadiums. They were about halfway through and they answered all of my questions. Now I know a lot more than I knew this morning about baseball.
However, it seems like I’m cursed when it comes to this game. The game in Miami ended 1-2, with apparently a crazy game the night before. Tonight we got one more point, 1-3, but last night the score was 10-7. After the game, it was much easier to get out of the parking lot and go back to the hotel than I expected. Guess it will be worse tomorrow. According to the report, it was roughly 22 000 in attendance tonight. Raymond James Stadium has a capacity of 65 000 and will probably be full.
Now I’m sitting in the hotel bar and writing this post. Tomorrow I’m going for a swim in the Mexican Gulf before heading to the stadium.